Last updated
Date TBD Time TBD PLEASE NOTE! This is NOT confirmed yet, but this guide was made just so you're prepared.
I've put both old & new offer IDs for you below. We don't know which Walmart will use - and it is very possible that they can change the links again which would result in a different offer ID. Please keep notifications on for the release channel as we will post if these change before the potential restock. Personally, I will be running the new offer IDs. Be sure to enter the keywords exactly as how they are written below. For Walmart you should include the price check in your keywords.
Old Digital
B82C5889D56D4F5FBA9CFEED40E33018 460
New Digital
7E901CE636E24D95920A2445C31F2205 460
Old Disc
E4463E9F89294147BB57304778A66539 600
New Disc
7ACA73FE67BD4195965E9937D9A4B8D6 600
Below are the suggested delays.
Monitor Delay
We suggest staggering a few tasks at low delays, the rest should be higher delays for a PS5 restock or release. Don't run your tasks under 8-10k.
Below are suggested modes that cooked on the last PS5 Walmart restock.
logindesktopgrief logindesktop logindesktopgriefalt loginmobile loginmobile2 loginmobilegriefalt loginmobilegriefaltsync2
Start tasks 2-3 minutes before the restock.
Make sure you're on the latest update.
Make sure you have proxies in both resi.txt and proxies.txt
B82C5889D56D4F5FBA9CFEED40E33018 460
7E901CE636E24D95920A2445C31F2205 460
E4463E9F89294147BB57304778A66539 600
7ACA73FE67BD4195965E9937D9A4B8D6 600